Question: A Deflator Is A Technique Of? a. Adjusting for changes in price level b. Adjusting for changes in commodity c. Accounting for higher increase of GNP d. Accounting for decline of GNP
Category: Education
The educational general knowledge questions and answers will helps you to find subject related questions and their approaches for 9th Class, 10th Class NTS, JTS, PTS, OTS, JTS, GTS, BTS, CTS, Pak Army, Pak Navy, PAF, Police, Rangers And All armed forces, Fpsc, kppsc, ppsc, ajkpsc, ,BPSC, SPSC, CSS, NTS, ETEA, ETS, JTS, MTS, CTS. Like it may contain psychology, school and class room management, educational philosophy, child development and pedagogy. Further you maintain the research methodology, teaching and research aptitude are other sections. Modern history of education, curriculum development and environmental studies are some important subjects as well. The category will covers them all.
Changes Which Take Place Gradually Without Any Resistance Are?
Question: Changes Which Take Place Gradually Without Any Resistance Are? a. Evolutionary b. Revolutionery c. Planned d. Unplanned
XEN And SDO Stands For In WAPDA
Question: XEN Stands For In WAPDA and SDO Stands For In WAPDA Answers: SDO stands for Sub Division Officer In WAPDA and XEN stands for Executive Engineer In WAPDA WAPDA is one of the important and necessary departments in Pakistan. WAPDA stands for Water and Power Development Authority. In 1958 it was established through an Act of Parliament. […]