Initial Problems Of Pakistan After Independence

As we all know Pakistan was turned into a separate state and land after so long struggle and freedom fight movement.  It would not be wrong to say that the creation of Pakistan was named out to be one of the biggest victories in the democratic idea of life.  Some so many leaders took an […]

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Ethnic Issues And National Integration In Pakistan

Ethnic Issues And National Integration In Pakistan

Since the time of inception, Pakistan has been witnessing with so many ethnic issues that are much hard to handle it all around. As we all know that the creation of Pakistan was taken to be unique as it was completely based on the ideology and was sought after the roots of Islam religion.  This […]

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Short Note on Muhammad bin Qasim in English

Short Note on Muhammad bin Qasim in English

History of Sub-continent is undeniably full of great Muslim heroes. Some of these heroes played a vital role in spreading Islam. Muhammad bin Qasim counts in one of them. He belonged to a Saqqafi Tribe. He was born on 31st of December, 695 at Ta’if. No doubt, he was a man of discipline and courage. […]

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Major Aziz Bhatti Essay In English

Major Aziz Bhatti Essay In English

Major Aziz Bhatti Essay In English Will Give You An Idea That How much you as a student of a citizen of Pakistan you knew about Major Aziz Bhatti. Every possible measure considers here while writing about the person who deserved to be discussed. He born in 1928 in Hong Kong and commissioned 1950 with […]

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Importance of Geographical Location of Pakistan

Importance of Geographical Location of Pakistan

As it is all the more a known fact that Pakistan is simply known as the land of plains, and mountain ranges. It is rich in deserts and coastal belts. Further explained here about Importance of Geographical Location of Pakistan. This country of Pakistan has been sharing the Eastern Border known as Radcliffe Line with […]

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