Question: How Many F 16 Pakistan Have? PAF received 45 F 16 In 1983 14 more in 2009 and as per the unofficial and unauthentic sources, pakistan has a total 68 after receiving F 16 block No 50/52 in 2010. But still, there is no confirmed news about How Many F-16 Pakistan Have. 14 68 […]
Category: Forces
The forces of Pakistan include Pakistan army, Pakistan air force, Pakistan navy and many other for example, army test questions and answers. Every administration has its own 9th Class, 10th Class NTS, JTS, PTS, OTS, JTS, GTS, BTS, CTS, Pak Army, Pak Navy, PAF, Police, Rangers And All armed forces, Fpsc, kppsc, ppsc, ajkpsc, ,BPSC, SPSC, CSS, NTS, ETEA, ETS, JTS, MTS, CTS. The purpose of this category includes the questions directly relate to the competitive exams and their approaches towards the test.

MTD Stands For In PAF Pakistan Air Force
Question: MTD Stands For In PAF Pakistan Air Force Answer: Mechanical Transport Driver Pakistan Air Force has many well-reputed jobs and the MTD job in PAF Pakistan Air Force is one of the best as well. You will get a chance here to learn about the detailed job perspective according to MTD in Pakistan Air […]
Wing Commander Equivalent In Pakistan Army?
Question: Wing Commander Equivalent In Pakistan Army? According to the PN Ranks of Pakistan Navy official website Wing Commander Equivalent In the Pakistan Army as Lieutenant Colonel in Pakistan Army Ranks and Commander Cdr in Pakistan Navy ranks. Further, it explained Wing Commander is Equal To the Army and Wing Commander Rank In the army. […]

Who Was The First Army Chief of Pakistan?
The military has a very significant role in the history of Pakistan Who Was The First Army Chief of Pakistan? It almost always tried to curb the way politicians think. From General Messervy to Pervaiz Musharraf nearly all the chiefs made lame excuses to grab the power in their hands for their own pursuits. Hence, […]

First China war was fought Between Whom?
Question: First China War was fought Between Whom? China and Pakistan England and China America and China China and Britain Answer: China and Britain First China War was fought Between China and Britain The first Opium War was from 1839-1842. It was fought between China and Britain. It was fought between China and Britain. The second […]
Operation Radd ul Fasaad Means?
Question: Operation Radd ul Fasaad Means? Answer: Radd-ul-Fasaad has the meaning of “elimination of strife”. Radd means “rejection”. Fasaad is an Arabic word known as Fitna which means “civil strife”. Operation Radd ul Fasaad Means the Elimination of Strife Operation Radd ul Fasaad is named as the codename of the efforts done by the Pakistani military […]
PMA Long Course Initial Test Preparation Online
We are providing you with the PMA long course initial test preparation online. The initial test means that the test is taken at your nearest Pakistan Army Selection and Recruitment Center (AS&RC). First of all your eligibility will be checked out for your qualifications, age, and physical standards. One who passes the eligibility and physical […]
PMA Stands For In Army
Question: PMA Stands For In Army The answer below is the right one and makes the direct way out for the PMA abbreviation in the army. Pakistan Military Academy Pakistan Military Association Pakistan Military Analysis Pakistan Military Announcement Also Check: Who Is The Current Chief of Naval Staff in Pakistan? In the Army, PMA stands […]
Who Is The Current Chief of Naval Staff in Pakistan?
Pakistan Navy is one of the world’s most trained Navy Who Is The Current Chief of Naval Staff in Pakistan? Its head office is located in Karachi with 30,700 active personnel, 5000 reserves, 63 ships, and 101 aircraft. It has to perform in the Indian Ocean located in the south of Pakistan. The president is […]
How Many Agencies in FATA Pakistan?
Question: How Many Agencies in FATA Pakistan? 5 Agencies 6 Agencies 7 Agencies 8 Agencies Answer: 7 Agencies There are 7 Agencies in FATA Pakistan FATA is the abbreviation of The Federally Administered Tribal Areas. It basically defined as the semi-autonomous tribal region in northwestern Pakistan. For the sake of administrative purposes, there are seven agencies in […]