Question: Which One Is The Second Important Gas Reserve? a. Mari b. Indus c. Pir Koh d. Bughti Hills
Category: Geography Of Pakistan
This category geography of Pakistan Quiz With Answers shall be available here at this page so you can prepare the written test for NTS, JTS, PTS, OTS, JTS, GTS, BTS, CTS, Fpsc, kppsc, ppsc, ajkpsc, ,BPSC, SPSC, CSS, NTS, ETEA, ETS, JTS, MTS, CTS, Pak Army, Pak Navy, PAF, Police, Rangers And All armed forces. It is the category with the different quiz and question as per the standard approach. Further Pakistan Geography MCQs with answers shall available here in this category.
Soan And Haro Are Famous Rivers Of Which Plateau?
Question: Soan And Haro Are Famous Rivers Of Which Plateau? a. Pothwhar Plateau b. Balochistan Plateau c. Hindu Kush Range d. None of these

Proposed Dams In Pakistan
Proposed Dams In Pakistan Diamer-Basha Dam Mohammad/Munda Dam Kurram Tangi Dam (Stage-II) Naulong Dam Project Diamer-Basha Dam, Mohammad/Munda Dam, Kurram Tangi Dam (Stage-II) and Naulong Dam Project are known as proposed dams in Pakistan. According to the business recorder report of 11 April 2018, there are many large, medium dams proposed. The financial aspect was […]
Shaheen Airline International Is A Private Airline Based In?
Question: Shaheen Airline International Is A Private Airline Based In? a. Pakistan b. Nepal c. Russia d. China
Lahore Was Properly Walled City Surrounded By How Many Gates?
Question: Lahore Was Properly Walled City Surrounded By How Many Gates? a. 10 b. 12 c. 11 d. 14
Major Export Commodity Of Pakistan?
Question: Major Export Commodity Of Pakistan? a. Wheat b. Cotton c. Sugar d. Rice
How Many Producing Capacity Of Electricity Of Ghazi Barotha Dam?
Question: How Many Producing Capacity Of Electricity Of Ghazi Barotha Dam? a. 1450 MW b. 1455 MW c. 1460 MW d. 1465 MW
Which Of The Following Are The Biggest Deposits Of Coal In Pakistan?
Question: Which Of The Following Are The Biggest Deposits Of Coal In Pakistan? a. Thar Coal Deposits b. Makerwal Deposits c. Kalabagh Deposits d. None of these
On Which River Mangla Dam Is Built?
Question: On Which River Mangla Dam Is Built? a. Jhelum b. Chenab c. Indus d. None of these
Which River Is Not A Major River Of Punjab?
Question: Which River Is Not A Major River Of Punjab? a. Chenab b. Ravi c. Kabul d. Indus