Hazrat Umar Embraced Islam By Which Surah?

Q: Hazrat Umar Embraced Islam By Which Surah?

  1. Surah Al-Rahman
  2. Surah Yaseen
  3. Surah Taha
  4. Surah Baqarah
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Hazrat Umar Embraced Islam By Which Surah?

Hazrat Umar Embraced Islam By Which Surah?

When the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) started inviting people to Islam, Umar was the sworn enemy of Islam. He was a strong opponent of Islam. But then a time came when he embraced Islam. He once visited his sister’s house where she was reciting Surah Taha. In short, he embraced Islam after this. After this, Muslims were given so much strength. Now, they were able to offer prayer in Masjid Al-Haram without any fear. So, this is a breif detail about Hazrat Umar Embraced Islam By Which Surah?


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