How many Prophets are Mentioned in Quran

Q: How many Prophets are Mentioned in Quran?

  1. 20
  2. 26
  3. 35
  4. 40

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How many Prophets are Mentioned in Quran

How many Prophets are Mentioned in Quran

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In the Holy Quran, 26 Prophets are mentioned by their names. In the Surah Al-An’am, 18 Prophets are mentioned with their names in 4 consecutive Ayats. The mentioned names of Prophets in the Holy Quran are Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Isa (A.S), Yahya (A.S), Zakariya (A.S), Yunus (A.S), Al Yasa (A.S), Ilyas (A.S), Suleman (A.S), Dawood (A.S), Dhul Kifl (A.S), Haroon (A.S), Musa (A.S), Shoaib (A.S), Ayub (A.S), Yusuf (A.S), Yaqub(A.S), Ishaq (A.S), Ismail (A.S), Lut (A.S), Ibrahim (A.S), Saleh (A.S), Hud (A.S), Idris (A.S), Nuh (A.S), and Adam (A.S). So, this is the answer How many Prophets are Mentioned in Quran?

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