Jabal-e-Noor Situated In

Question: Jabal-e-Noor Situated In?

  • Iraq
  • Plastine
  • Iran
  • Saudia Arabia

Answer: In Saudia

Jabal-e-Noor is Situated in Saudi Arabia Hejaz Region near Makkah 

Jabal-e-Noor Situated In

Jabal-e-Noor is famous in the Islamic world as it is situated on Ghar e Hira. It has the termed meaning as a mountain of light or hill of illumination. Jabal al-Noor is termed in English by the meaning of “Mountain of Light”, or even the “Hill of Illumination” as well as “Hill of Enlightenment”. It is basically known as the mountain that is located near Makkah in Saudi Arabia Hejaz region. Jabel Al-Noor is marked to be one of the popular places in the Makkah as because of Ghar-e-Hira situated on it. It was constructed as a small cave just four arms’ length long by 1.75 arm’s length wide as well as 640m tall. Just five people can sit on it at one time.

It would take two long hours to reach the cave locations. This cave holds a sign and holiest place for Muslims. It is different from other hills and mountains because of the summit which is strange-looking. Hence, this makes it appear just like two mountains on top of each other. Do you want to know where Masjid-e-Qiblatain is situated? if not just click here!

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