Namaz e Khasoof is Offered at the Time of?

Q: Namaz e Khasoof is Offered at the Time of?

  1. For Rain
  2. Solar Eclipse
  3. Lunar Eclipse
  4. Earthquake

Show Answer

Lunar Eclipse

Namaz e Khasoof is Offered at the Time of?

Namaz e Khasoof is Offered at the Time of?

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This prayer is offered at the time of the Lunar Eclipse. It is the time when Earth comes between Sun and the Moon and as a result, Sun’s light does not reach the Moon. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to offer this prayer. In an authentic hadeeth narrated by Hazrat A’ishah, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) offered prayer during the solar eclipse. After the prayer, he praised Allah Almighty and said Moon and Sun are signs of Allah. So, this is the answer to Namaz e Khasoof is Offered at the Time of?


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