What Are The Main Points Of Indus Water Treaty

What Are The Main Points Of Indus Water Treaty?

The Indus waters treaty was the big achievement of 1960. It was the result of nine years of negotiation between India and Pakistan. World Bank president Eugene black was the major stakeholder for the successful international binding. There are frequent tensions which link framework for irrigation and hydropower development at one single platform. The one […]

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Length Of Pak Iran Border

What Is The Length Of Pak Iran Border?

Question: What Is The Length Of Pak Iran Border? 1,046-kilometres 909 kilometres 2,430 kilometres 2,912 kilometres Answer: 909 kilometres 909 kilometres Is The Length Of Pak Iran Border The border between pakistan and iran is also known as the Pakistan-iran barrier. It is shortest length border as compare to others. Pakistan Iran border has its own […]

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When Did Pakistan Become A Islamic Republic?

Question: When Did Pakistan Become A Islamic Republic 1947 1957 1956 1963 Answer: 1963 Pakistan Become A Islamic Republic In 1963     There is a conflict between the information about two separate events like Pakistan becomes a federal republic in 1956. Pakistan became Islamic republic in 1963. These two are separate events happened in […]

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Who Was The First Chief Minister Of Punjab Pakistan

Who Was The First Chief Minister Of Punjab Pakistan?

Question: Who Was The First Chief Minister Of Punjab Pakistan Answer: Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Khan Mamdot was the first chief minister of Punjab Pakistan Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Khan Mamdot was the first chief minister of Punjab Pakistan Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Khan Mamdot tenure started from August 15, 1947, ended till January 25, 1949. The political […]

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