You can prepare PMA Long Course Mathematics MCQs online preparation for computer-based written and intelligence tests. Math is a very important phase of the entry test which is necessary to hire candidates for the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Long course. You have to read this entire post so that you can access the details of what you are finding online on this page. You have to prepare these Multiple Choice Questions and then appear in the entry test. As per the rules and regulations, you are informed that it is very necessary to get a pass on this test. While in case of any candidate who fails in this test will not be promoted for further hiring. After passing out Pakistan Army initial test for the PMA long course you will be called for a physical test which is also necessary for the selection. But before that, you have to prepare for the PMA long course Mathematics MCQs online preparation which is given here below. The same type of questions will be laid down into your test which you have to attempt very carefully.

PMA Long Course Mathematics MCQs Online Preparation

Question 1: Log 8 can also be expressed as:
a. 2 Log 3
b. 2 Log 2
c. 3 Log 3
d. 3 Log 2

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3 Log 2

Question 2: If set A has three elements and set B has two elements then what, the number of elements in (A X B) will be?
a. 7
b. 6
c. 4
d. 3

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Question 3: In the decimal system, 1011(2) is equal to:
a. 11
b. 12
c. 19
d. 16

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Question 4: There is an angle of 120°. What is its other supplement angle?
a. 30°
b. 60°
c. 70°
d. 40°

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Question 5: Sinθ =?
a. Cosinθ
b. 1/θ
c. 1/cosine θ
d. Tan θ

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1/cosine θ

Question 6: What is the standard deviation of the digits given below: 6,6,6,6,6,6
a. Zero
b. Infinity
c. 3
d. 6

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Question 7: If a + b = 3 and a – b = 2 then what will be the value of 8ab (a2 + b2).
a. 65
b. 60
c. 62
d. 70

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Question 8: If 20 X 2 = 20 and 25 X 4 = 50 then 30 X 8 = ?
a. 160
b. 110
c. 140
d. 120

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Question 9: What would be the amount of Zakat on Gold of worth 200,000?
a. 5000
b. 4500
c. 1290
d. 2500

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Question 10: A clock strikes 20 times in 27 seconds. The time it will take to strike 3 times is ……
a. 10 seconds
b. 3 seconds
c. 14 seconds
d. 6 seconds

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6 seconds

Question 11: Unit matrix is that in which:
a. Each unit of one row is zero
b. Each unit of one digonal is zero
c. Each unit of the matrix is zero
d. Each unit of base is zero

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Each unit of one digonal is zero

Question 12: Solve the equation:    a2b2 -a2 -b2+a=?
a. (a+1)(a-1)(b+1)
b. (a+1)(b-1)(b+1)
c. (a+1)(a-1)(b+1)(b-1)
d. (a+1)(a+1)(b-1)(b-1)

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Question 13: The G.CD. of (a-b)3 and a2 – 2ab + b2 is …….
a. (a-b)2
b. (a-b)3
c. (a+b)3
d. a2 + 2ab + b2

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Question 14: Find the value of x from the equation given below:
4x + 1/3  =  2x + 8/4
a. 4
b. 2
c. 8
d. None of above

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Question 15: A cyclist travels 45km in 25 minutes. How long would it take to travel 27km with the same speed.
a. 12 minutes
b. 20 minutes
c. 15 minutes
d. 21 minutes

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15 minutes

Question 16: What should be subtracted from x2 – xy + y2 to make it a perfect square?
a. xy
b. -xy
c. Both above
d. None of the above

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Question 17: What will be the value of x if x : 24 = 15:5
a. 12
b. 16
c. 21
d. 4

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Question 18: Write the following equation in ascending form.   x4-3+x2-3x2
a. x4-3x2+x3-3
b. -3+x2-3x2+x4
c. x4+x2-3-3x2
d. None of the above

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Question 19: If QR = RQ = 1, then
a. Q and R are multiplicate inverse of each other
b. Q and R are Singular
c. Both the above
d. None of the above

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Q and R are multiplicate inverse of each other

Question 20: Find the common in the equation given below:
a. 3
b. K2
c. 11
d. K

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Question 21: 75 in decimal system can be written as…………..
a. 100111(2)
b. 10011(2)
c. 1001111(2)
d. None of the above

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Question 22: What is the median of data:
a. 9
b. 11
c. 7
d. 13

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Question 23: The distance of the centre from any point of the circle is termed as
a. Radius
b. Diameter
c. Tangent
d. None of the above

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Question 24: What has to add to complete the square of 9x2 + 36xy
a. 6y2
b. 3y2
c. 36y2
d. 9y2

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Question 25: 72 is …………… percent of 360.
a. 20%
b. 31%
c. 24%
d. None of these

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Question 26: In bimary system, there are ……… digits.
a. One
b. Three
c. Two
d. Ten

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Question 27: The series 1,2,3,4, ………. is called:
a. Natural Digits
b. Complete Digits
c. Right Digits
d. Odd Digits

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Natural Digits

Question 28: √x+4 = 9
a. 67
b. 61
c. 77
d. 81

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Question 29: Mean of 8 digits is 23, the sum of these values is:
a. 280
b. 184
c. 230
d. 197

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Question 30: What fraction of 90 minutes is 54 seconds?
a. One percent
b. Six percent
c. Three percent
d. None of the above

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One percent

Also Check: Pakistan Studies MCQs With Answers For NTS Test

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