Swat Valley Situated In Which Mountain Range?

Q: Swat Valley Situated In Which Mountain Range?

  1. Karakoram
  2. Himalayas
  3. Hindukush
  4. Sulaiman Range

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Swat Valley Hindukush Mountain Range

Swat Valley is situated in the Hindukush Mountain Range. It is known as the Switzerland of the East because of its snow-capped mountains and natural beauty. Its elevation is 3,220 ft which means that it is one of the coldest areas in Pakistan and throughout the year, the temperature remains cold. There are mountains ranging from 4500m to 6000m. Moreover, this area is also known as one of the oldest civilizations in history. There are several beautiful places you can visit including Kalam, Bahrain, Saidu Sharif, Kumrat valley, Malam Jabba, and Falak Sar.

Swat Valley Situated In Which Mountain Range?

It is true that Swat Valley mostly consists of cold weather. But during the months of summer, you will experience very different weather. In one place, you will feel very cold weather but when you travel for about 20 to 30 minutes in any direction, you may feel more cold or maybe warm weather. This is the beauty of this valley. In the winter months, snowfall occurs and covers the valley with snow. This scene is so attractive that you can spend the whole day looking at it. So, this is Swat Valley Situated In Which Mountain Range?

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