Question: While Transporting Petrol A Little Quantity Will Be Evaporated Such Kind Of Loss Is Termed As: a. Normal Loss b. Abnormal Loss c. It is incremental loss d. It cannot be abnormal loss
Articles Tagged: cost
Under/Over Applied Foh Cost Can Be Adjusted In Which Of The Following?
Question: Under/Over Applied Foh Cost Can Be Adjusted In Which Of The Following? a. Entire Production b. Cost of Goods Sold c. Net Profit d. All of these
FOH Applied Rate Of Rs. 5.60 Per Machine Hour. During The Year The FOH To Rs. 275,000 And 48,000 Machine Hours Were Used. Which One Of Following Statement Is Correct?
Question: FOH Applied Rate Of Rs. 5.60 Per Machine Hour. During The Year The FOH To Rs. 275,000 And 48,000 Machine Hours Were Used. Which One Of Following Statement Is Correct? a. Overhead was under-applied by Rs.6,200 b. Overhead was over-applied by Rs.6,200 c. Overhead was under-applied by Rs.7,200 d. Overhead was over-applied by Rs.7,200
Cost Of Goods Sold ` 30,000, Opening Inventory ` 9,000, Closing Inventory ` 7,800.What Was The Inventory Turnover Ratio?
Question: Cost Of Goods Sold ` 30,000, Opening Inventory ` 9,000, Closing Inventory ` 7,800.What Was The Inventory Turnover Ratio? a. 3.57 times b. 3.67 times c. 3.85 times d. 5.36 times
Cost Accounting Concepts Include All Of The Following Except
Question: Cost Accounting Concepts Include All Of The Following Except a. Planning b. Controlling c. Sharing d. Costing
Closing Work In Process Inventory Of Last Year?
Question: Closing Work In Process Inventory Of Last Year? a. Is treated as Opening inventory for current year b. Is not carried forward to next year c. Become expense in the next year d. Charge to Profit & Loss account
Weighted Average Cost Per Unit Is Calculated By Which Of The Following Formula?
Question: Weighted Average Cost Per Unit Is Calculated By Which Of The Following Formula? a. Cost of goods issued/number of units issued b. Total Cost/Total Units c. Cost of goods manufactured/closing units d. Cost of goods sold/total units
Nelson Company Has Following FOH Detail. Budgeted (`) Actual (`) Production Fixed Overheads 36,000 39,000 Production Variable Overheads 9,000 12,000 Direct Labor Hours 18,000 20,000
Question: Nelson Company Has Following FOH Detail. Budgeted (`) Actual (`) Production Fixed Overheads 36,000 39,000 Production Variable Overheads 9,000 12,000 Direct Labor Hours 18,000 20,000 a. Under applied by `1,000 b. Over applied by ` 1,000 c. Under applied by ` 11,000 d. Over applied by ` 38,000
Which Of The Following Element Must Be Taken Into Account While Calculating Total Earnings Of A Worker Under Different Incentive Wage Schemes?
Question: Which Of The Following Element Must Be Taken Into Account While Calculating Total Earnings Of A Worker Under Different Incentive Wage Schemes? a. Rate per unit b. Units of production c. Extra time taken by employee to complete the production d. Number of workers employed
The Cost Of Electricity Bill Of The Factory Is Treated As?
Question: The Cost Of Electricity Bill Of The Factory Is Treated As? a. Fixed cost b. Variable cost c. Step cost d. Semi variable cost