Question: Panda Is Found In Which Country? a. Nepal b. Bhutan c. India d. China
Articles Tagged: fpsc
First Woman To Win The Nobel Prize Was?
Question: First Woman To Win The Nobel Prize Was? a. Mother Teresa b. Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi c. Madame Marie Curie d. None of the above
Siachen, Batoro And Chogo Lugma Glaciers Are Situated In Which Mountain Range?
Question: Siachen, Batoro And Chogo Lugma Glaciers Are Situated In Which Mountain Range? a. Himalya b. Karakoram c. Hindukush d. Sulaiman
Braille Education System Was Introduced By Braille For?
Question: Braille Education System Was Introduced By Braille For? a. Blinds b. Deaf c. Dumb d. All of above
East Pakistan Was Separated From Rest Of The Country?
Question: East Pakistan Was Separated From Rest Of The Country? a. 16th December 1970 b. 16th December 1971 c. 16th December 1972 d. 16th December 1973
Who Wrote Sassi Pannu?
Question: Who Wrote Sassi Pannu? a. Hashim Shah b. Bulleh Shah c. Waris Shah d. None of these
The Bolshevik Resolution Is Associated With?
Question: The Bolshevik Resolution Is Associated With? a. France b. Germany c. Russia d. England
Which Amendment Declared The Status Of Qadianis And Ahmad As Minority On September 7, 1974?
Question: Which Amendment Declared The Status Of Qadianis And Ahmad As Minority On September 7, 1974? a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th
Who Presented The National Flag For Formal Approval To The Constitution Assembly On 11th Of August, 1947?
Question: Who Presented The National Flag For Formal Approval To The Constitution Assembly On 11th Of August, 1947? a. Quaid-e-Azam b. Muhammad Ali Bogra c. Fazal-e-Haque d. Liaquat Ali Khan
Southern Cross Which Is Constellation Found In The Southern Region Of The Night Sky Consist Of?
Question: Southern Cross Which Is Constellation Found In The Southern Region Of The Night Sky Consist Of? a. Seven stars b. Three stars c. Five stars d. Nine stars