Question: The Second Atom Bomb Was Dropped On Nagasaki On? a. Aug 6. 1914 b. Aug 9, 1945 c. Aug 6, 1943 d. Aug 9, 1943
Articles Tagged: fpsc
Ghandara Art Is Related To?
Question: Ghandara Art Is Related To? a. Mohejodaro b. Kot Digi c. Harappa d. Taxila
Pakistan Recognized China In Which Year?
Question: Pakistan Recognized China In Which Year? a. 1948 b. 1949 c. 1950 d. 1951
When The Constituent Assembly Passed The Objective Resolution?
Question: When The Constituent Assembly Passed The Objective Resolution? a. 12th February, 1949 b. 12th March, 1949 c. 12th April, 1949 d. 12th March, 1948
Major Non-NATO Ally Is?
Question: Major Non-NATO Ally Is? a. Pakistan b. Egypt c. Turkey d. Israel
The Colour Combination Of UN Flag Is?
Question: The Colour Combination Of UN Flag Is? a. Red and Blue b. Blue and White c. White and Green d. None of these
The First Muslim Who Got Nobel Prize?
Question: The First Muslim Who Got Nobel Prize? a. Abdul Salam b. Anwar Saddat c. Yousaf Ali d. Yasir Arfat
Which Of The Following Pass Connects Mardan With Malakand?
Question: Which Of The Following Pass Connects Mardan With Malakand? a. Gomal Pass b. Dargai Pass c. Tochi Pass d. Dorah Pass
Who Was The Viceroy Of India From 1899 To 1905?
Question: Who Was The Viceroy Of India From 1899 To 1905? a. Lord Mountbatten b. Lord Curzon c. Lord Irwin d. Lord Attlee
Dragon Is The National Symbol Of?
Question: Dragon Is The National Symbol Of? a. Russia b. China c. Japan d. Thailand