Tarbela Dam Location

Question: Tarbela Dam Location

  • Nowshera
  • Hasan Abdal
  • Abbottabad
  • Tarbela, Haripur District

Answer: Tarbela, Haripur District

Tarbela, Haripur District is known as Tarbela Dam Location. It is dammed work and reservoir and the project commenced in 19698. It was operational in 1978. It has about $1.49 bn projects as a project cost. The WAPDA is the owner and operator of the Tarbela Dam. It was financed by the World Bank. Tarbela Dam Joint Venture was the contractor for this project. It was built on the River Indus near the small town of Tarbela in the Haripur district. The 11.62 million acre-feet or 1.43 billion cubic meters is the optimum capacity of the dam.

Tarbela Dam Location

Check Out: Tarbela Dam Is Built On Which River

Italian contractor makes it happen. The unregulated flows of the Indus River and tributaries since independence with great interest. The lowest level of water is a trendy problem in Pakistan. The surplus flows have no reservoir to store. Tarbela Dam Location is ideal for water storage but with proper policy. Surplus flows are there which make the irrigation system as strong as it should be. The previous two projects by the World Bank were appreciated but in real time, this project has its own uniqueness. Tarbela Dam Location makes it ideal but needs the perfect water storage ideas.


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