What Generation Salahuddin Ayubi from

Q: What Generation Salahuddin Ayubi from?

  1. Turk
  2. Arab
  3. Kurd
  4. Mangol

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What Generation Salahuddin Ayubi from

What Generation Salahuddin Ayubi from

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Salahuddin Ayubi was born in Tikrit, Iraq to a Kurdish family. He was sent to the Fatimid Caliphate and was appointed as Vizier. Later on, he conquered Egypt and Syria and he founded the Ayyubid Dynasty. He expanded his sultanate to Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Hejaz, Yemen, and Nubia during his reign. He is famous for conquering Jerusalem. He died in Damascus and was buried in the garden of the Umayyad Mosque situated in Damascus. He is considered a prominent figure in Islam. So, this is the answer for What Generation Salahuddin Ayubi from?


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