Question: What is the Itikaf in Ramadan?

Answer: Itikaf is basically known as the Islamic practice that is all consisting of the duration of staying in the place of a mosque in order to worship Allah.

What is the Itikaf in Ramadan?

Itikaf is basically known as the Islamic practice that is all consisting of the duration of staying in the place of the mosque. It merely happens for a short duration of days as around ten days in the last Ashura of Ramadan. This practice is all about devoting yourself to the worship of Allah. You should be in complete freedom from mental illness. It can also be for the duration of three days or more but not less than three days. It should be taking place in the mosques of The Holy Mosque in Makkah. However, the Holy Mosque of the Prophet in Medina, the Mosque of Kufa, and even the Holy Mosque of Basrah. You can often carry out this practice on the roof of the basement of the mosque. You are not allowed to leave the place of Itikaf until and unless it is complete. However, you are allowed to come out of the Mosque during Itikaf to take part in the burial of a deceased or to visit an ailing one. Do you know when did Battle of Badr fought?


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