Which Night of Ramadan is Most Important

Question: Which Night of Ramadan is Most Important?

  • 21st Night
  • 25th Night
  • 27th Night
  • 29th Night

Answer: 27th Night of Ramadan

27th Night of Ramadan is Most Important

Which Night of Ramadan is Most Important

The 27th night of Ramadan is considered to be one of the most peaceful and blessed nights in Islamic tradition. It takes place in the last Ashura of Ramadan month. According to Islam Layla told Qadr was divided into two nights of travel named as Isra and Meraj but the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) traveled the whole distance in a single day during the period of 621. The wholesome details of the journey have been briefly described in Surah Al-Isra of the Holy Quran. On his one-day travel Holy Prophet visited the farthest mosque on the seventh sky on a Buraq where he further shot up to heaven where God gave detailed directions to Muhammad for giving them back sincerely to his humanity on earth in a proper manner.

On the basis of the Islamic calendar, this journey has also been strongly connected with Lailat al Meraj. During such a holy day, the Muslims offer prayer throughout the whole night and God is open-handed with sacred blessings for his humanity. Do you know what is Itekaf in Ramadan?


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