Who is the Author of the Symposium?

Q: Who is the Author of the Symposium?

  1. Plato
  2. Aristotle
  3. Pythagoras
  4. Democritus
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Who is the Author of the Symposium?

Who is the Author of the Symposium?

It is a philosophical text and was written by Plato in 385-370 BC. The context of this book is to praise love and then define it. It resembles Plato’s theory of love. It has so much influence in the present day. It was translated into different languages. A symposium means a dinner party where some friends share praises about eros meaning love and desire. There are some famous lines like the one from Phaedrus saying love is the one that promotes virtue among people. So, this is all about Who is the Author of the Symposium?

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