Q: Who Is The Current Health Minister Of Pakistan 2024?

Mr Amir Mehmood Kiyani
Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah
Sardar Muhammad Yousaf
Dr.Malik Mukhtar Ahmad Bharath

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Dr.Malik Mukhtar Ahmad Bharath

Do you know Who Is The Current Health Minister Of Pakistan 2024? Health is among the three fundamental needs of human beings. It is prime important because without it human race cannot perform appropriately. Nations that know the art of development never put health priority on the back bench. They always put health at the top of the list and invest the maximum in it. So far as Pakistan is concerned, it also has its health management system with a number of hospitals, trained doctors, and a wide chain of pharmaceutical companies. It is controlled and regulated by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) which is further governed by the Pakistan Ministry of Health and Regulation.

Pakistan even though has a health and regulation system is not well controlled and countrywide. The infant mortality rate in Pakistan is 66 out of 1000 births, whereas life expectancy in Pakistan is 67 years which is even lesser than its neighboring countries. Remote areas of Pakistan even do not have the least facilities of health. Sindh rural areas, southern Punjab’s villages, and KPK’s villages can be quoted in this regard. Even in metropolitan cities, citizens are unable to meet the common disease treatment. All is happening due to a lack of management issues majorly and the least availability of professional doctors secondly.

Currently, Pakistan needs about 600,000 active practitioners against the total population. But in Pakistan, about 50,000 to 60,000 doctors are practicing and the rest are moving abroad or quit practicing. Doctors are not taking an interest in their business and prefer to do a job abroad even wasting a huge sum of public money which the government spends on every single doctor to prepare them. It is estimated that for every doctor who gets admission to a government institute, the government spends about 2.5 m.  Doctors’ lack of interest in their business along with government mismanagement are collectively responsible for the poor condition of Pakistan’s health problems.

Moreover, spending on health in Pakistan is 9.3 $ (per individual) which is much less than that of the international standard which is about 60$. To keep the health department active and effective some sort of robust steps are needed to be taken. Management will have to make it effective, besides putting medical practitioners on the lines. Additionally, spending on health will have to increase keeping in mind international standards. Hence details about Who Is The Current Federal Health Minister Of Pakistan, are discussed in this post. For more queries, keep on visiting this website. The new government after the election 2024 soon will be there and you will get an idea of Who Is The Current Health Minister Of Pakistan 2024? in real terms.

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