Current Opposition Leader In National Assembly Of Pakistan 2021

The leader of opposition is a leader who is elected by the opposition party about Current Opposition Leader In National Assembly Of Pakistan 2021 to reveal the undergoing tasks of the running government. An opposition leader in an assembly is thought to be very important because his presence force government to work out on the […]

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Who Was The First Civilian Martial Law Administrator Pakistan

Who Was The First Civilian Chief Martial Law Administrator In Pakistan?

Ruling tenure of Ayub Khan’s was not disturbed by anyone to the extent Bhutto did Who Was The First Civilian Chief Martial Law Administrator In Pakistan?. Bhutto has been retained in the cabinet of Ayub Khan and was not satisfied with his governance. Inspiring from socialist movement at that time which was incorporating around the […]

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Who is the Current President of Azad Kashmir 2018

Who is the Current President of Azad Kashmir 2018?

Question: Who is the Current President of Azad Kashmir 2018? Syed Murad Ali Shah Abdul Hamid Khan Abdul Malik Baloch Sardar Masood Khan Answer: Sardar Masood Khan Sardar Masood Khan is the current President of Azad Kashmir 2018 President is the one who decides the laws of the country that are to be enforced. He is the […]

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Who Is The Current Governor Of State Bank Of Pakistan 2019?

Q: Who Is The Current Governor Of State Bank Of Pakistan 2019? SHAHID HAFIZ KARDAR YASEEN ANWAR Mr Ashraf Mahmood Wathra Mr Tariq Bajwa Mr Tariq Bajwa appointed as the SBP governor by the president of Pakistan. The 7th July 2017 was the date of appointment for a period of 3 years.  We are Giving […]

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Who Is Current Education Minister Of Pakistan 2019?

Q: Who Is Current Education Minister Of Pakistan 2019? Mr. Shafqat Mahmood Ghulam Sarwar Khan Zubaida Jalal Khan Ali Haider Zaidi Undoubtedly Education plays a vital role in the progress of any state. Therefore, every county is trying to increase the standards of education. Pakistan is also one of the countries lies in the list […]

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Who Is The Current Interior Minister Of Pakistan 2019?

Q: Who Is The Current Interior Minister Of Pakistan 2019? Imran Khan Shehryar Khan Afridi Ahsan Iqbal Azam Khan Ministry of Interior and Anti-Narcotics control is currently working chiefly responsible for implementing state internal policies and state security, administration of (FATA & PATA). It regulates the internal condition of a state in all forms. Currently, it […]

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Who was the First Female Prime Minister of Pakistan

Who was the First Female Prime Minister of Pakistan?

Question: Who was the First Female Prime Minister of Pakistan? Tehmina Doltana Hina Rabbani Khar Saira Afzal Tarar Benazir Bhutto Answer: Benazir Bhutto Benazir Bhutto was the First Female Prime Minister of Pakistan On the basis of the democratically elected timeline, Benazir Bhutto achieve the post and honor for being the first female prime minister of […]

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Who Is The Current Water and Power Minister Of Pakistan 2018

Who Is The Current Water and Power Minister Of Pakistan 2018

Who Is The Current Water and Power Minister Of Pakistan 2018: Water and power collectively are controlled under a single ministry of Pakistan known as a ministry of Water and power. It is a federal ministry with its head office in Islamabad. Incumbent minister of water and power authority is Abid Sher Ali. He assumed office […]

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Who Is The Second Governor General Of Pakistan

Who Was The Second Governor General Of Pakistan?

 Question: Who Was The Second Governor General Of Pakistan? Iskandar Ishaq Khawaja Nizamuddin Liaquat Ali Khan Ayub Khan Khawaja Nazimuddin Was The Second Governor General Of Pakistan Let’s take you back in the history of Pakistan and make you learn about the second Governor General of Pakistan.  On 16th October 1951, Liaquat Ali Khan was […]

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Who build Badshahi Mosque in Lahore

Who Build Badshahi Mosque in Lahore?

Question: Who Build Badshahi Mosque in Lahore? Yahya Merchat Abdul Rashid Naserudin Murat Khan Aurangzeb Answer: Aurangzeb Aurangzeb build Badshahi Mosque in Lahore Formerly, Badshahi Mosque named as Emperor Mosque. It was constructed in the year 1973. Build Badshahi Mosque in Lahore build by Aurangzeb, the Mughal Emperor. Moreover, it is located in Lahore. This structure […]

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