Q. Who Was First Prime Minister of Pakistan?

Chaudhary Muhammad Ali
Liaquat Ali Khan
Khawja Nazimudeen
Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi
Answer: Liaquat Ali Khan

History never let go the work of great personalities even after their death and here we will discuss Who Was First Prime Minister of Pakistan. Liaquat Ali Khan was also a great personality who belong to a royal family ,but at the time of his death even serving as Prime minister of Pakistan all the assets that he possessed was 600 Pakistani rupee. Liaquat Ali Khan was one of the founding members of  Pakistan. He born on 1 October ,1895 into a Muslim – Nausherwani Family of Karnal, Eastern Punjab of India. Besides, being a political activist,he was also a political logician, lawyer  and  diplomat. From 1947 till his assassination, he served as First Prime Minister of Pakistan. It is nice to explain about the Who was the first prime minister of pakistan after independence.

List of All Prime Minister of Pakistan

Serial No. Name Tenure Major achievements
1 Khawja Nazimudeen 17 Oct,1951 To 17 April,1953 He headed the first constituent assembly of Pakistan . He tried to bridge the demands of both wings ; eastern and western wing of the country, on the principle of equality. But his administration was dissolved by the then Governor General Ghulam Muhammad .
2 Muhammad Ali Boghra 17 April, 1953 To 11 aug,1955 (1)    Proposed a formula for the equal power sharing between two wings of the country

(2)    Drafted One Unit plan

3 Chaudhary Muhammad Ali 11 aug,1955 To 12 sep,1956 (1)    Implemented One Unit plan

(2)    Formulated and promulgated 1956 constitution

4 Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi 12 sep,1956 To 18 oct,1957
5 I.I Chaundrigarh 18 Oct,1957 To 16 dec,1957
6 Malik Feroz Khan Noon 16 Dec,1957 To 7 Oct 1958
7 Noor ul Ameen 16 dec, 1957 To 7 Oct 1958
8 Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto 14 aug,1973 To 5 July 1977 (1)    Formulated and promulgated 1973 constitution

(2)    Brought Islamic socialism

(3)    Installed Still mill

(4)    Declared Qadyani Non-believers

9 Muhammad Khan Junejo 23 march,1985 To 29 June 1988 (1)    Passed 18th amendment under the direction of Zia ul Haq. By passing this amendment he invigorated the power of president

(2)    Introduced Hadood Ordinance

10 Ms Benazir Bhutto 14 aug,1973 To 6 aug,1990 Ms Bhutto after electing as prime minister of Pakistan tried hard to change some fundamental flaws of Pakistan political system. She tried to uplift censorship on Media. She dared hard to amend 18th amendment with a view to restore the democratic spirit of country.
11 Ghulam Mustafa Jotoi 6 aug,1990 To 18 April,1993
12 Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shareef 26 may,1993 To 8 July,1993 Privatization of Banks
13 Mir Balakh Sher Mazari( Caretaker) 18 april,1993 To 26 may,1993
14 M Nawaz Sharif 26 may 1993 To 8 july 1993
15 Moin Qureshi (care taker) 8 July,1993 To 19 Oct ,1993
16 Ms Benazir Bhutto 19 oct,1993 To 5 nov,1996 She disbanded the cruel treatment against women of and deleted all anti-women empowerment things.

She was against the socialist policies of his father she gave back all forcibly converted industries into public to their real owners.

17 Malik Meraj Khalid 6 nov,1996 To 17 feb 1997
18 Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 17 feb,1997 To 12 oct,1999 (1)    Fired atomic bomb ,declaring Pakistan an atomic power

(2)    Established NAB( national accountability Bureau

19 Mir Zafar Ullah Khan Jamali 23 nov,2002 To 26 june ,2004 Indulged Pakistan in War On Terrorism
20 Ch Shujat Hussain 30 june ,2007 To 26 aug,2004
21 Shaukat Aziz 28 aug,2004 To 15 nov,2007 (1)    Strengthened decentralization plan

(2)    Formed NRB( National reconstruction Bureau)

(3)    Introduced multi- resources for generating of energy…such solsr, gas and winds

22 Muhammad Mian Soomro 16 nov,2007 To 24 march 2008
23 Syed Yusaf Raza Gillani 25 march,2008 To 26 april,2012 (1)    Introduced Banazir Income Support programme to eliminate poverty

(2)    NFC award was allotted to the provinces

(3)    58-2-b was amended  in the constitution

24 Raja Parveez Ashraf 22 june 2012 To24 march 2013 Swiss bank scandal by which Zardari was blamed to  have  done corruption  was resolved by Raza Government
25 Mir Hazar Khan Khoso (caretaker) 25 march,2013 To 5 june 2013
26 Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 5 june 2013 To28 july 2017 (1)    Regulation of C-PEC

(2)    Reforms in ECP

(3)    Women protection bill

(4)    Developmental projects; Metro Bus ,Orange Train

27 Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 1 aug,2017 to May 2018
28 Imran Khan 18 Aug 2018 to April 2022
29 Shehbaz Sharif 11 April 2022 to 14 August 2023
30 Shehbaz Sharif 4 March 2024 to Incumbent

So far as, his education is concerned after getting  his university education from Aligarh University, he  got enrolled himself in Oxford university for higher education. Completing his higher education , he  returned back to his homeland .At that time, political rights of Muslims  of British India were being crushed both by Englishmen and Hindus. Congress, a political party of British India ,was mostly stirred by Hindus and some sycophant Muslims. At first, he started his political career as a member of Congress but soon he realized that it was not the right decision. In 1923, he said goodbye to congress and joined Muslim League. Both Liaquat Ali Khan and quid e Azam led the wheel of Muslim League onward and finally got Pakistan. The all discussion was about the Who Was First Prime Minister of Pakistan.

He was highly experienced man in politics, so after the creation of Pakistan it was decided unanimously that he should served as First Prime Minister of Pakistan. When he got the portfolio of Prime Minister Pakistan was in very troubled condition. Internally, she was handling political system problems and externally she was dealing with Kashmir issue and refugees problem.  It was very important for Pakistan at that time she would have governed by a political intellectual personality. Liaquat Ali Khan preferably seemed most fit  for this post. In order to tell a political system in a clear cut way ,he visited America and  took the side of capitalism rather communism. Additionally ,he signed two major accords with Kashmir one on water issue in 1948 and other on refugees issue. By signing two accords with India on different issues and taking the side of Capitalism ,he at least provided a roadmap for the future of Pakistan.

Liaquat Ali Khan’s death was and still is mystery. He was assassinated on 16  October, 1951 during a public meeting of the Muslim City League at Company Bagh in Rawalpindi. Soon after shot he was brought to hospital but he succumbed to his injuries and breathed his last . The shooter  Saad Akbar Babrak was arrested by police and later he was identified as Pashtons  belonged to an Afghan Tribe. No final conclusion about his death comes to know  yet but presumably it is said that behind his assassination US was involved .Liaquat Ali Khan was a good leader  despite having some short comings. He tried to serve the country with full zest. He was one of Quid –e- Azam fellows. At the time of his death he possessed only 600 rupees as his account balance as total property, this thing shows his loyalty to his country.

Being an executive head of state every prime minister made some distinctive changes in the political system of country. All successive prime ministers of Pakistan added at least one or other important things in the political system of Pakistan. A list of prime ministers of Pakistan is given below with a view to provide reader enough information for comparative analysis of country’s political system. so it is all about the Who Was First Prime Minister of Pakistan.

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