Who Was Prime Minister Of Pakistan In 1947

Question: Who Was Prime Minister Of Pakistan In 1947

  • Mr Liaquat Ali Khan
  • Al Haj Khwaja Nazimuddin
  • Mr Mohammed Ali (Bogra)
  • Mr Mohammed Ali (Ch.)

Answer: Mr Liaquat Ali Khan

Mr Liaquat Ali Khan Was Prime Minister Of Pakistan In 1947

It is a matter of history to present the information here on this page about the explorative question Who Was the Prime Minister Of Pakistan In 1947? The history in this matter is pretty fair to give clear names. One can say that the history of Pakistan in terms of the Prime Minister’s Tenure preserved so far. There are many achievements under the leadership of Mr Liaquat Ali Khan including below. On the 30 of September, Pakistan became a member of the United Nation.

Who Was Prime Minister Of Pakistan In 1947

Every achievement of a nation reflects the struggle for leadership.

Who Was Prime Minister Of Pakistan In 1947

Maharajah Hari Singh declared Kashmir’s accession to India on 27 October. According to the signed standstill agreement, the state of Jammu Kashmir was not economically stable when Pakistan suspended supplies of commodities on September 18, 1947. The violation of the Standstill agreement occurred on October 22, 1947, by invading with an armed tribesman.


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