Question: ‘Gift Of Nile’ Is The Nickname Of? a. Egypt b. Iraq c. Jordan d. Libya
Category: world GK
When Radcliffe Award Was Announced?
Question: When Radcliffe Award Was Announced? a. 17th June 1947 b. 18th July 1947 c. 15th August 1947 d. 17th August 1947
The Largest Continent Is?
Question: The Largest Continent Is? a. Asia b. Australia c. North America d. Africa
‘Babylon’ Is The Famous City Of?
Question: ‘Babylon’ Is The Famous City Of? a. Iraq b. Jordan c. Kuwait d. Greece
Name The First Person Who Reached South Pole?
Question: Name The First Person Who Reached South Pole? a. Major White b. Ronald Amundson c. CharlesĀ coanrad d. Alan Bean
Right To Vote In Elections Is Also Termed As?
Question: Right To Vote In Elections Is Also Termed As? a. Franchise b. Privilege c. Initiative d. Consent
Euro Currency Was Launched In?
Question: Euro Currency Was Launched In? a. January 1997 b. March 2000 c. February 1998 d. January 1999
Who Is The Only Person To Win The Two Unshared Nobel Prizes For Peace And Chemistry?
Question: Who Is The Only Person To Win The Two Unshared Nobel Prizes For Peace And Chemistry? a. Bertrand Russel b. Romain Rolland c. Erns Ludwig d. Dr. Linus Paulling
The Eiffel Tower Is Located In?
Question: The Eiffel Tower Is Located In? a. Germany b. France c. Italy d. Australia
Association Of South-East Asian Nations (ASENA) Was Established On?
Question: Association Of South-East Asian Nations (ASENA) Was Established On? a. August 9, 1967 b. August 25, 1967 c. August 19, 1967 d. August 29, 1967