XEN Stands For In WAPDA

Question: XEN Stands For In WAPDA and SDO Stands For In WAPDA

Answers: SDO stands for Sub Division Officer In WAPDA and XEN stands for Executive Engineer In WAPDA

WAPDA is one of the important and necessary departments in Pakistan. WAPDA stands for Water and Power Development Authority. In 1958 it was established through an Act of Parliament. WAPDA is running under the administrative control of the Federal Government. The Authority of WAPDA is comprised of a Chairman and three members which are Water, Power, and Finance. WAPDA provides the best experience and service to the nation under the supervision of highly qualified and experienced officers. XEN stands for WAPDA. There are a number of official posts in WAPDA, but we are going to discuss two of them that are XEN (Executive Engineer) and SDO (Sub Division Officer). Executive Engineer and Sub Division Officer are the two main and responsible posts in WAPDA. Below are details about what the XEN And SDO stand for In WAPDA.

XEN Stands for In WAPDA

XEN stands for Executive Engineer In WAPDA. Executive Engineer is the senior position in WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority). There are so many official posts present in WAPDA. XEN is one of them. In order to become an Electrical Engineer in WAPDA, you must have an MSc in Electrical in power. There are so many job opportunities prevailing in WAPDA. In order to become XEN, there are following responsibilities and duties are handed over to the Xen executive engineer.

XEN Stands For In WAPDA

Duties of XEN:

  • In order to assure the facility of PPE/T&P the XEN checks the HT/LT length of all lines in all divisions.
  • He checks the PPE/T&P of all divisions every month and adds remarks regarding this on the register.
  • During working hours XEN has to check the working ability of Line Staff and take quick action on the violence of necessary precautions.
  • To assure the ground clearance service of HT and LT lines.
  • Conduct monthly PPE/T&P parade and Lecture from SDO
  • In case of any electricity incident, visit the accidental place and inform the WAPDA Head Quarters.

SDO Stands for In WAPDA

SDO stands for Sub Division Officer In WAPDA. If you want to become an SDO you must matriculate. Sub Division Officer is the most honorable post in WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority). There are the following responsibilities of the sub-division officer in WAPDA which are listed below in detail.

Duties of SDO:

  • To assure the attendance of all line staff.
  • To assure the facility of PPE/T&P to the line staff
  • Conduct monthly PPE/T&P parade and safety lectures and transfer written reports to the XEN Office.
  • To ensure the ground clearance of HT/LT lines
  • It is the basic duty of SDO to aware the line staff regarding safety and develop a thought that working without PPE/T&P is considered a crime

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Hence, WAPDA is working under the supervision of trained and experienced officers who are performing their duties very well. Every year WAPDA declares a huge number of recruitments for interested eligible candidates of Pakistan. WAPDA is also working on Water and Hydropower resources to eliminate the shortage of power in Pakistan in order to become a successful country in the world in terms of power. it is all about what XEN stands for in WAPDA.

Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO) is a distribution company that is part of the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) in Pakistan.

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