Question: If Process Is Running Currently Executing It Is In Running? a. Mode b. Process c. State d. Program
Articles Tagged: OS
For A Single Processor System Implementation Of Semaphores Is Possible To Inhibited Through?
Question: For A Single Processor System Implementation Of Semaphores Is Possible To Inhibited Through? a. Deadlock b. Interrupts c. Lock Step d. Paging
For Procedure System Prevent Overlap Of Buffer?
Question: For Procedure System Prevent Overlap Of Buffer? a. Procedure b. Programs c. Operations d. Information
Timer Is Used To Prevent A Single?
Question: Timer Is Used To Prevent A Single? a. Job b. Time c. Computer d. Information
Win32 Application Programming Interface?
Question: Win32 Application Programming Interface? a. Windows b. UNIX c. Linux d. Solaris
Primary Element Used For Data Storage Is Said To Be?
Question: Primary Element Used For Data Storage Is Said To Be? a. Monitor b. Main Storage c. Secondary Storage d. Keyboard
Run Time Support System Is System That Is Provided By?
Question: Run Time Support System Is System That Is Provided By? a. System call routines are mostly written in b. System programs c. System calls interface d. Processes
Unix Was Initially Developed At?
Question: Unix Was Initially Developed At? a. Bell Labs b. NASA labs c. Microsoft labs d. Kaspersky Labs
The Main Memory Of A Computer System Is Also Known As?
Question: The Main Memory Of A Computer System Is Also Known As? a. Non volatile b. Volatile c. Reserved d. Restricted
System Structure Of Linux Is?
Question: System Structure Of Linux Is? a. Microsoft Windows b. UNIX c. Window Vista d. Monolithic Kernel