How Many Rivers Are There In Pakistan

Question: How Many Rivers Are There In Pakistan?

  • 30 Rivers
  • 25 Rivers
  • 28 Rivers with major five
  • 32 Rivers

Answer: There are 28 Rivers In Pakistan with Major Five

  1. Astor River
  2. Chenab River
  3. Dasht River
  4. Dastiari River
  5. Gambia River
  6. Ghaggar-Hakra River
  7. Ghizar River
  8. Gomal River
  9. Hub River
  10. Hungol River
  11. Hunza River
  12. Indus River
  13. Jhelum River
  14. Kabul River
  15. Swaan River
  16. Kundra River
  17. Kunhar River
  18. Kurram River
  19. Lyari River
  20. Malir River
  21. Panjkora, Panjnad River
  22. Ravi River
  23. Shigar River
  24. Shimshal River
  25. Sutlej River
  26. Swat River
  27. Tochi River
  28. Zhob River

How Many Rivers Are There In Pakistan?

After thorough research, the answer to the question “How Many Rivers Are There In Pakistan?” is that there are 28 rivers in the country. To explore the list of all rivers in Pakistan, read further on this page for detailed information provided by the Government of Pakistan. Pakistan is fortunate to be endowed with numerous rivers, which primarily originate from the snow-capped Himalayan and Karakoram Ranges. These rivers are crucial for irrigation, significantly boosting agricultural productivity by providing essential water to crops.

For more insights, check out the Proposed Dams In Pakistan.

While Pakistan has many rivers, five key rivers are particularly notable as they flow through Punjab. In the following sections, we will delve into the details of these important five rivers in Pakistan.

How Many Rivers Are There In Pakistan

Major Rivers In Pakistan

  1. Indus River:

Indus River is taken to be one of the longest rivers in Asia.  This river has been originating from the Tibetan Plateau and has been running into the course all through the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir. This is the national river of Pakistan. This river has a total drainage area that exceeds 1,165,000 km2 (450,000 sq mi).

  1. Sutlej:

Sutlej is named to be the easternmost tributary in the Indus River. This river has a Sanskrit name, Shatadru. This river has the main origin, Rakshastal Lake In The Place Of Tibet. The total length of Sutlej is estimated to be around 1500 Km. This makes it turn out to be the longest river of Punjab.

  1. Ravi:

It is an interesting fact to know that the Vedic name of Ravi is Purushini.  It has the name of Iravati in Sanskrit. This river has been rising from the Kangra district over the side of Himachal Pradesh and makes its way into Punjab in the place of Pathankot district. This river flows all along the international border over the place of India and Pakistan. It does flow at a total length of around 720 Km.

  1. Chenab:

This river is also known by the name of Askani in Vedas and in Sanskrit, it is known by the name of Chandra Bhaga. This river normally starts from the way of the Himalayas in the region of Lahaul and in the Spiti district over the place of Himachal Pradesh. The total length of this river is around 960 Km.

  1. Jhelum:

Last we have the Jhelum River! Its Vedic and Sanskrit name is Vitasta. This river has been originating from the Verinag. This river most of them flows all by means of Jammu and Kashmir and then it makes its way into the entrance of Punjab. It has a length of around 725 Km.

Yet the answer to your question about how many rivers are there in Pakistan? is discussed on this page.

How many main rivers are there in Pakistan?

Pakistan has five main rivers: the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, and Sutlej.

Which is the biggest river in Pakistan? 

The Indus River is the biggest river in Pakistan, both in terms of length and the volume of water in rivers.


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